Meryl starts her Wednesdays off at Hope Riding, coaching Hope’s owner/instructor Alida, and Hope’s kids’ Instructor Sarah (who also baits Meryl’s Fury at Chikara) as well as giving their groom Perci a lesson.
They have started introducing the idea of working in a frame to school ponies Peanut and Dezzi:
- Sarah on Peanut
We’re proud of their progress, they’ve only been working on the concept for a few weeks!
From Hope, we return to Chikara for lessons: Meryl teaches 3 – 5 lessons on a Wednesday afternoon, including a group lesson; and baiters and visitors often pop in for a ride too!
- Sarah on Fury, who is Meryl’s 8yr old Friesian x TB mare
- Bennett on Moose Moose is Meryl’s 9yr old WB x Friesian gelding
- Tamsyn baits Feiko who belongs to Meryl. Feiko is a 27 yr old Friesian x Saddler gelding
- Sarah on Fury, who is Meryl’s 8yr old Friesian x TB mare
- Feiko & Tamsyn having some fun! 😉
- Sarah on Fury, who is Meryl’s 8yr old Friesian x TB mare
- Tamsyn baits Feiko who belongs to Meryl. Feiko is a 27 yr old Friesian x Saddler gelding
- Tamsyn baits Feiko who belongs to Meryl. Feiko is a 27 yr old Friesian x Saddler gelding
Thanks to Janine from JK9 for the photos!
Click here to see the rest of the pics from the day